Reviews by Colleen Wanglund,
As this years ABCs of Death 2 Filmmaker Frenzy contest for the letter "M" draws to a close, we figured it would be fun to review some additional short films that caught our attention. (We've recently reviewed Todd Freeman's M is for Marriage, Corey Nikolas'M is for Monkey and the Kondelik Brothers M is for Masochist.)
Below you will find some entries that we took a look at. Be sure to check out the links under the reviews and watch the short films yourselves.
If you like any or all of them, give the film a "like" on that page. Enjoy!
M Is For Mushrooms (USA)
Directed by Bryan Wolford
Runtime 2 minutes 40 seconds
Starring Melissa Watson as Kendra and Jonny Rey as Alan, M Is For Mushrooms is a short film about a couple who get some “potent” mushrooms that they proceed to ingest. Kendra goes into the bathroom and while hallucinating, slices up her face with a razor blade. When Alan sees her, he is horrified.
M Is For Mushrooms is a quick and creepy film that is pretty well-done for what appears to be no budget. It also relies on gore, which suits the story just fine. While not the most original concept, I was still impressed with what I saw.
If you want to check out the film, click the link below and vote if you like it.
Credits for M Is For Mushrooms:
Starring: Kendra - Melissa Watson Alan - Jonny Rey Cinematographer - Brandon Lamprecht Make Up Effects - Alesha Murphy Marie Sound - Winston Whitten
Colleen Wanglund
M Is For Marriage (USA)
Directed by Michael Kyne
Runtime 3 minutes 10 seconds
Written and directed by Michael Kyne, M Is For Marriage is a short film in the running for a spot in the ABCs of Death 2. Starring Kyne and Bianca Allaine Barnett, the film is about a married couple who have lost that loving feeling. Husband has a foot fetish, going online to find a woman who will dominate him by smothering him with her feet. He gets a response and meets the woman at a local cheesy motel. The woman secures Husband to a chair with duct tape and begins smothering. Surprise! It’s Wife and she isn’t happy.
I liked the concept of M Is For Marriage, but I had some issues with the execution. The story is a good one, although it would have been more believable for Husband to meet someone he had been speaking with online for some time. I realize the film is just over three minutes, but it could be done. The acting and directing were pretty solid, overall, but the sound wasn’t clean—I had to crank the volume to hear the dialogue. M Is For Marriage is a decent entry, but average at best. I don’t see this one making the top twelve by the time voting ends.
To see the short film, follow the link below, and be sure to vote if you like it.
Credits for M Is For Marriage:
A film by Michael Kyne. Starring Bianca Allaine Barnett and Michael Kyne. Music by delta_omega_muon via "Black Widow Spider: Her Life Cycle and Her Enemies" courtesy of the Prelinger Archives (Public Domain). A film by Michael Kyne. Starring Bianca Allaine Barnett and Michael Kyne. Music by delta_omega_muon via "Black Widow Spider: Her Life Cycle and Her Enemies" courtesy of the Prelinger Archives (Public Domain).
Colleen Wanglund
M is for Mactation (Russia)
Directed by Maria Ivanova
Runtime 3 minutes
The definition of mactation is the act of killing a victim for sacrifice. Written, directed, and edited by Maria Ivanova, M is for Mactation is a unique animated short in the running for the ABCs of Death 2. A priest is called to the modest home of a peasant family whose daughter is possessed by a demon. The priest isn’t there to save the girl; he has his own frightening agenda.
Maria Ivanova did the entire film on her own and I found it to be quite brilliant. The story is creepy and macabre, to say the least, and unexpected in its direction. And the animation is wholly impressive with an exceptional style. I thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Ivanova’s short film and—full disclosure—I voted for this one. In a contest that seems to be dominated by male filmmakers, I found M is for Mactation to be refreshingly original.
To view the film click on the link below and be sure to vote, if you like it.
Credits for M is for Mactation:
Written, directed, animated, sound edited by Maria Ivanova
Colleen Wanglund
M is for Mannequin (France)
Directed by Katya Mokolo
Runtime 2 minutes 51 seconds
M is for Mannequin by Katya Mokolo is a short film in the running for a spot in the ABCs of Death 2. Quick and to the point, the film follows a young man (Laurent Marion) who breaks into a mannequin factory to take photographs, and the terrible fate that awaits him.
There is no dialogue in M is for Mannequin and none is necessary. The film relies on dark yet artistic visuals to create and maintain tension until the bleak ending. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be running around a mannequin factory at night and alone. M is for Mannequin is both gloomy and claustrophobic and I enjoyed it.
Go check it out at the link below and be sure to vote if you like it.
Credits for M is for Mannequin:
Directed by Katya Mokolo -With Laurent Marion -DOP Christophe Deroo -Gaffer Amida Belgharbi -Bcam Mathias Chelebourg -Prod Marcassin -Thanks to COFRAD & The Superette
Colleen Wanglund
M is for Missionary (USA)
Directed by BJ Colangelo and Zach Shildwachter
Runtime 3 minutes
Written and directed by BJ Colangelo and Zach Shildwachter, M is for Missionary is a short film about two Christian missionaries—Elder Davies (Justin Buckner) and his Missionary in Training (Rob Motoc)--who prove to be very dangerous to homeowners Andrew (Jaden Vogel) and Naomi (Agata Stasiak). After Andrew tries closing the door on the missionaries, they barge in on the couple. They aren’t there to spread the Christian message, but to spill blood.
Buckner and Motoc are creepy as the missionaries before they even get through the front door of the house, and it gets worse when they attack. I found the story to be interesting, as well as brutal. The Special Effects were good, although I would have preferred to see the aftermath of the shot to the head. You will never answer your front door the same way again.
To check out the film, click on the link and vote if you like it.
Credits for M is for Missionary:
Directed by: BJ Colangelo and Zach Shildwachter Written by: BJ Colangelo and Zach Shildwachter Cast: Andrew-Jaden Vogel Naomi-Agata Stasiak Elder Davies-Justin Buckner Missionary in Training- Rob Motoc /Produced by:The Studio On Mars /Art Direction: Kinsley Funari /Special Effects: Zach Shildwachter /Sound Recording: Gina Nemecek /Sound Design: Justin Buckner /Sound Mixing: Kinsley Funari and Kellen Boyle /Cinematography: BJ Colangelo, Zach Shildwachter /Script Supervisor: Michelle Sabato /Editor: Justin Buckner /Visual Effects, Composition, and Color Grading: Justin Buckner /Production Assistant: JoJo Rivera /Soundtrack: “Reverie,” by Crows Labyrinth /Additional music and sound FX by Justin Buckner
Colleen Wanglund
M is for Matchmaker (USA)
Directed by Jeff Chitty
Runtime 2 minutes 33 seconds
Written by Jeff Chitty and Tina Krause, M is for Matchmaker, another film in the running for the ABCs of Death 2, is about a woman who runs a matchmaking business to help support her daughter. However, her matchmaking consists of matching up rapists and victims.
The acting was average and the story could have used a bit more depth, but it proves to be a frightening film. It’s a gruesome thing, setting women up to be raped by making them think you are helping them find a boyfriend. The true horror here is that the matchmaker is a woman, setting other women up to be viciously attacked for her own benefit. She has turned on her own gender to make money off of one of the most horrible things that can happen to a woman. Overall, it’s a pretty good little flick.
You can see the film at the link below, and be sure to vote if you like it.
Credits for M is for Matchmaker:
Written by: Jeff Chitty and Tina Krause Produced by: Tina Krause and Jeff Chitty Starring: Danger Alex, Krystal Heib & Curtis Smith Director of Photography: Ken Stevens Gaffer: Robert Shultz Sound Recordist: Andrew Rolston Editor/Sound Design/Score: Jeff Chitty Makeup FX: Krystal Heib & Wayne Whisenant Production Assistant: John Barnes Craft Services: Bobbie Sutcliff Music: Prelude in C (BWV 846) by J.S. Bach Arranged and recorded by Kevin Macleod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Special Thanks: Vickey and Steve Traylor, Clayton Dale Kinkead, Grace Ventimiglia, Erica Kaufman, Brandon Smith, Paul Scrabo, Edward Bergtold, Errol Oktan and Theodore LoScalzo.
Colleen Wanglund
M is for Metamorphose (Spain)
Directed by Sergio Morcillo
Runtime 3 minutes
Morcillo’s entry in the ABCs of Death 2 contest opens with a bloody woman running through the woods. She is looking to escape someone or something. The woman is caught by a man, who turns out to be woman’s boyfriend. They were in love once, until he changed. Only one will survive the couple’s encounter in the woods.
M is for Metamorphose is a bloody and violent short film, much like the relationship of the couple at the center of the story. The story is solid and the acting is very good. The Special Effects are well-done, right down to the shots of the woman smashing her boyfriend’s face in. I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
To see the film follow the link, and vote if you like it.
Credits for M is for Metamorphose:
A Short Film by Sergio Morcillo. Actors: Marta Molero and Arturo de la Torre. Production sound and Music: Martín Jiménez. Camera: Víctor J. Alvarado. Camera Assistant: Luisa Rodriguez. Still And StoryBoard: José Rubies. Sound Postproduction: Roberto HG and Julio Cuspinera. Desing and Title sequence: KIPON FX: Inside FX (David Ambit and Lucia Salanueva). Director of Photography: Diego Mansilla. Postproduction: José Martinez. Assistant Director: David Gonzalez. Written: Paco Vázquez. Produced by Vicent Films and Inside FX. Sponsors: TerrorWeekend (Juan Antonio Barnes) and AbandoMoviez (Pablo Carrero).
Colleen Wanglund